Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Interior Design Tips

Interior Design Tips You Can Use
Classic Kitchen Design
Deciding to change the interior design of your home could sometimes be a daunting task. Often though the problem is solved once you exactly know the look and the "feel" of the home that you would finally want to have.
Whatever the look of the interior design of the home that you have decided, the following are common and helpful guides that are for consideration if you must succeed in the interior design the interior of the house.
Choosing the color of the Interior Design
The color that the interior of the house is to have will determine the final ambience that a room is going to take together with the coordination of all the accessories and furniture therein. Remember also that whatever colors you must choose you will have to live with that particular space for quite a while. For this, professional interior designers and artists always consult a color board. Color boards are excellent tools for determining color preferences and color coordination. Using a color board could cut down the time that it takes researching from magazines, books and catalogues.
Creating Illusion of Space in Interior Design
There are several tricks at doing this though most have to do with how you play with light and lighting. The principle is light colors tends to make a room look larger while darker hues give the appearance of spaces being limited. So let in as much natural light as possible. If the room is small color it in brighter lighter hues. Use freely artificial lighting. An old age trick is to use mirrors especially in small rooms to create the illusion in the interior design that the space is larger than it actually is. Accessories that seem to float, chairs with longer legs, the use of transparent/translucent objects helps further the creation illusion of space.
Create a focal point in Interior Design
Focal point is the item or furniture in a room where you want the attention set. It is very important to create a focal point in a room or a space from which every design consideration, every artwork, and every piece has to revolve. Without a focal point, the room will not have a solid feel to it. Without it, unity and coordination of design will be lost no matter how beautiful or expensive the pieces are. Focal points could be a fireplace, a painting, a view from a room or just a precious beautiful thing where you would want the attention focused on. When highlight is created, it is much simpler to design the entire room or space.
Do not over stuff
One of the most common errors in decorating is the temptation to display all the beautiful stuff collected over the years. Space really is very expensive. When there is too much detail and decorations in an interior design, living space is compromised aside from making the room look heavy, stuffy, and uncoordinated and when unchecked, even the most beautiful pieces losses its luster and position of importance. A good interior design practice is to avoid cluttering up a space. When accessorizing, choose only those that coordinates very well with the entire concept, experiment with doing with less and you will be surprised by the effect that it will make aside from saving you a lot of spaces.

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